Dissemination "Food for Thought - A Cultural Recipe of European
Traditions and Customs" in local newspaper "Gazeta Grajewska". The first meeting in
SP1 Grajewo, Poland.
poniedziałek, 28 stycznia 2019
Dissemination "Food for Thought..."
Dissemination "Food for Thought - A Cultural Recipe of European Traditions and Customs" in our school newspaper. The first meeting in SP1 Grajewo, Poland.
środa, 16 stycznia 2019
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Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform
The results of our project has been sent to Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform. This is the list:

A20 “Healthy Food in My Life” – culinary workshops at SP1 On December 6, 2019, "Healthy food" workshops were held in con...
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which ref...
This is a first page of a collection of students' favourite recipes prepared by students of all partner schools compiled by the coordina...